Bedbugs are a growing problem in NYC. Bedbugs were not a problem after WWll do to the wide spread use of the pesticide DDT. During the 1940s and 1950s, the bugs all but vanished, although they remained prevelent in other parts of the world. In recent years bedbugs have made a comeback in the US and are very common in NYC. They are increasingly being encountered in homes, apartments, hotels, motels, dormitories, shelters, and can be transferred between travelers on all modes of transportation. Contact us today so we can rid your structure of these pests.
Adult Bedbug |
Bedbugs and Control
If bedbugs are suspected, a licensed pest control applicator should be consulted. A careful inspection must be undertaken and all possible hiding places within the infested and adjoining rooms examined.
Bedbug Nest |
Preparing for bedbug treatment
Bedbugs are tough to control. They hide in many places: in beds, closets, behind pictures, in tiny cracks in the wall, so inspection and treatment must be thorough. pest management professionals (PMPs) need cooperation. Before PMPs can treat homes infested by bedbugs, clients must:
Remove all sheets, blankets, mattress covers and pillowcases from all beds, and placed in plastic bags, all items should be cleaned with hot water and dried.
Remove all clothing and bed linens from each bedroom closets, dresser, and night-stand drawers.
Remove all clothing, toys and boxes from bedroom floors, and place them in plastic bags and store them in living room.
Wash all clothing, towels, and linens and place the clean items inside plastic bags. Store them in the living room as well until after treatment.
Vacuum Mattresses, floors, furniture and inside closets, dresser draws and bed-stands. Throw vacuum bag away, in a trash can outside of the home.
Move bedroom furniture at least three feet away from the walls.
Ensure that there are no animals or people in the home during the treatmentand for 3 to 6 hours afterwood.