Termite Swarmers |
The Eastern Subterranean Termite is the most widely distributed subterranean termite in North America, and is common throughout the East, Midwest and Southern U.S. Due to it's widespread distribution, Subterranean Termites are likely the most economically important termite in the US. It typically swarms from March to May, but may be delayed a month or two in more northern climates.
Termite Swarmer And Winged Ant |
Comparison of Termites and Ants
1. Termite antennae are not elbowed - Winged Ant antennae are elbowed.
2.Termites have 2 pair of wings of equal length - Winged Ants have two pair of wings of unequal length.
3. Termites don't have eyes - Winged Ants eyes are present.
4. Termites have a thick waist - Winged Ants have a thin waist.